命注定不能靠近 什么歌 命中注定不能靠近是什么意思

星运通 8 0




Another Land - Will Sparks

I don't think you understand

That this how we want to dance

And if you're in another land

Just let me take you by the hand

Just let me take you by the hand

I don't think you understand

That this how we want to dance

And if you're in another land

Just let me take you by the hand

I don't think you understand

That this how we want to dance

And if you're in another land

Just let me take you by the hand

Just let me take you by the hand


词目 命中注定

发音 mìng zhōng zhù dìng

释义 迷信的人认为人的一切遭遇都是命运预先决定的,人力无法挽回。是典型的宿命论。

出处 明·冯梦龙《醒世恒言》卷七:“这是我命中注定,该做他家的女婿。”

用法 偏正式;作谓语、宾语、分句;含贬义

示例 他~要身败名裂的。

